Breakfast taco from Julio's today. Amazing. That place certainly has the best tortillas of any place I've tried so far. I think that the word 'tortilla' must me something dramatically different to mexicans than it does to whities, because Julio's version is a little firm, thicker, definitely yummier. Yum.
While laying in bed last night, unable to sleep at all, I wrestled with several thoughts. First, I need to try to be more self confident. I keep thinking that maybe there reason my only success has come in school, where I'm entirely self reliant and dont really have to prove in person to any one else my worth is because I exude self doubt in person and so people don't want to date me, hire me, etc. And maybe if I believe i can, I can actually start writing down some things and maybe someone will want to publish them and maybe I can teach maybe. Second, I really need to start asking girls out. Because the liklihood of my having a family of my own is quickly disappearing, and I just dont have much time left to find someone. The problem is, I can't even take care of myself; how can i possibly think someone could rely on me at all. Third, I may buy a suit -- a gray suit -- so I look good. Four, I really want to buy my trike, even tho it would be amazingly stupid since I can't even begin to afford it.
The problem with this trailer isn't Mel Gibson. Sure, I'd like to make sure he makes no more money. but the real problem with the trailer is that it's terrible and the movie looks horrible.