No breakfast taco today, sadly. I really should have gotten one, too, because I'm super hungry. Yesterday I went for a 16.5 mile bike ride out in some hills. It wasn't bad, except it reminds me of how great shape i used to be in. And I wish I could go farther, but being out for about an hour is all I can do without freaking out about work. Also, my neck/shoulder area really can't handle more than an hour, so its ok.
I need to bike more. It just makes me feel good.
This weekend, i go to Philly for Aaron's wedding. I'm pretty excited, tho I wish it were over the summer when I have a little more time. Still, it'll be great to see Aaron and Megan, and to meet Lauren. I hope that, when I'm there, I can see the Rocky Statue. But I seriously doubt I'll get the chance. Still, that's ok. Hopefully I'll get to go back to Philly one day. I just get seriously nervous about taking time/days away when I should be working on school
So its hot here. Like mid to high 80s daily. 2 weeks ago, it was sort of cooler. then all of a sudden BAM! hot. interestingly, part of me wants to be back in the cold. I think its almost entirely because I'm still homesick. And home = crappy weather, in many ways
I haven't given more thought to my cleveland theory.
I have given some thought to the crowdsourcing paper. right now, I plan to address at least, IP, securities, and clickwraps, and outsourcing comparisons. I still feel quite scattered about this paper, but I hope that by next week I can start getting some stuff on paper. I have the feeling like this paper may not be as hard as I think. I wrote a 3 page status report, which suggests to me that I can easily fill 15 pages. My main concern over this paper is that I think Lease has some hopes for me that Im worried about fulfilling. Anyway, more on that as it develops
Finally, I think that school/life is continuing to kil my brain. I really want Pokemon White for some reason, having never played a pokemon game and not having played an rpg in forever. why oh why do i want it? probably because everything sound better than work/school right now
of course, i doubt i'll buy it. my trike and ipad are far more important.
ok this is seriously not going anywhere. tata